Permanent members
PHD Students
Quentin Blampey
PHD Student

Mouad El Bouchattaoui
PHD Student

Paul Dubois
PHD Student

Hakim Benkirane
PHD Student

Leo Fillioux
PHD Student

Elvire Roblin
PHD student

Yoann Pradat
PHD student

Laura Vuduc
PHD student

Othmane Laousy
PHD student

Martin Charachon
PHD student

Leo Milecki
PHD student

Lily Monnier
PHD student

Stefania Chounta
PHD student

Romain Lhotte
PHD student

Walid Hammache
PHD student

Sylvain Lannuzel
PHD student

Marin Scalbert
PHD student

Aaron Mamann
PHD student

Jun Zhu
PHD student
Postdoctoral researcher

Agathe Le Galiot
Research engineer

Alicia Rakotonirainy

Karmen Rabar

Clémence Fournie

David Fandrei
Former members
- Meije Gawinowski
- Theo Estienne
- Enzo Battistella
- Mihir Sahasrabudhe
- Mathilde Sautreuil
- Aman Gupta: Intern (2012), now PhD student at the Courant Institute, New York University
- Amélie Mathieu: PhD student (2002-2006) and Post-Doc (2008-2010), now MCF at AgroParisTech
- Anne-Laure Castellier: Intern (2004)
- Benoît Pallas:PhD student (2006-2009), now CR at INRIA Montpellier
- Benoît Bayol: Post-Doc (2016-2017), PhD Student (2012-2016), Engineer (2008-2012)
- Brenda Delamonica:Intern (2011), now with Bridgewater, New York
- Bryan Brancotte: Intern(2008), now at the Institute of Bio-informatics, CNRS, Paris-Saclay
- Cédric Loi:PhD student (2007-2011),now with Limagrain, Clermont-Ferrand
- Céline Vuong: Intern (2010), now with Société Générale, Paris
- Charlotte Baey: PhD student (2010-2014), and Post-Doc (2016-2017), now MCF at Lille University
- Chi Thanh Nguyen:Engineer (2012)
- Claire Mouton:Engineer (2011), now with INSERM, Lyon
- Corina Iovan: Post-Doc (2011), now CR at IRD
- David Gonzalez-Rodriguez: Post-Doc (2014-2015), now MCF at Lorraine University
- Fenni Kang: PhD student (2009-2013), now with Barclays, London
- Irene Votsi: Post-Doc (2015-2016), now MCF at Le Mans University
- Jacques Ramanathan: Intern (2012), now with Saint-Gobain DataLab
- Jean-Christophe Attard: Engineer (2013-2017)
- Jessica Bertheloot: Post-Doc (2008-2009), now CR at INRA, Angers
- Julien Sainte-Marie: post-Doc (2015-2016), now with INRA Nancy
- Katarina Streit: Post-Doc (2015-2016), now with Western Autralia University
- Konstantinos Koutroumpas: Post-Doc (2015-2016), now with the European Patent Office
- Langshi Chen: Intern (2012), now with Indiana University
- Li Song: Post-Doc (2010-2011)
- Marc Jaeger: Researcher (2004-2009), now with CIRAD-AMAP
- Marion Carrier:Engineer(2012-2014), now with CybeleTech
- Marlène Puech: Intern (2008)
- Mengzen Kang: Post-Doc (2004), now with the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing
- Mingchao Yang: Post-Doc (2014-2015), now with SIPLEC, Paris
- Nitish Srivastava:Intern(2009), now with Apple, Cupertino, CA
- Nivetha Krisnamoorthy: Intern (2014), now PhD student at Nice University
- Octave Etard:Intern (2011), now PhD student at Imperical College London
- Olexiy Kyrgyzov: Post-Doc (2015-2016), now research engineer at CEA
- Pauline Hézard: Post-Doc (2011-2012), now with Limagrain, Clermont-Ferrand
- Philippe De Reffye: Researcher (2004-2009), now enjoying an active retirement
- Pierre Carmier: Research associate (2014-2017), now with CFM, Paris
- Pierre Labatut:Intern(2002-2005), now with Google, Paris
- Qi Rui:PhD student (2006-2010), now with Amadeus, Nice
- Qiongli Wu: PhD student and Post-Doc (2007-2012), now associate professor at Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, China
- Robert Beyer: PhD student (2012-2016), now with Cambridge University
- Rui Huang:Intern (2015)
- Samis Trevezas:Research associate (2009-2014), now Lecturer at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Sébastien Lemaire:PhD student (2006-2009), now with ITB, Paris
- Thomas Guyard:Engineer (2008-2010), now with D1FFER
- Vasudha Khandelwal: Intern (2015), now PhD student at University of Toronto
- Vincent Le Chevalier:PhD student (2006-2010), now with Dassault Systèmes
- Xiujuan Wang: PhD student (2008-2012), now with the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing
- Yuting Chen: PhD student (2010-2014), now Senior Scientific Engineering Associate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA
- Zhongping Li:PhD student (2008-2012)